"You know the songs one needs to hear.
I love you,
I love the music."
~ Patient Testimonial

We Believe in the
Healing Power of Live Music
We partner with healthcare facilities in Sacramento and its surrounding counties to provide live music at the bedside.
From premature infants to the elderly, research shows that live music provided by trained practitioners can ease mental and physical suffering. Music can:
facilitate relaxation
assist with physical stabilization
bring familiarity to patients who are confused.
The actively dying benefit from a specialized style of music that supports their physical release.
Local care facilities implementing Healing Music Programs recognize the importance of treating the body, mind, and spirit.
"Our deepest appreciation extends to you and the transformational impact you have made over the many years. You have taught us much about the value of therapeutic music and its powerful benefits. Thank you for investing so much love and talent to our residents, their families and Eskaton team members.
We are grateful that our relationship remains filled with positivity and gratitude overflowing."
Darlene Cullivan, CVA
Senior Manager of Outreach and Impact

Who Benefits from Therapeutic Music?
Therapeutic Music is offered to patients suffering with physical or emotional pain, receiving dialysis or chemotherapy treatments, who are critically or chronically ill, bed ridden, or actively dying. Even premature infants may benefit from live therapeutic music.
It is not necessary for the patient to interact physically or verbally with the Music Practitioner. Whether or not the patient is awake and aware is simply a factor in the style of music played. Research has shown that even comatose patients benefit from the vibrational touch of live music.
Families and caregivers experience the peaceful tranquility of the therapeutic music sessions which create an environment of hope and courage in difficult times. Healthcare professionals value the clarity that music brings to a stressful workplace.

Music Partners in Healthcare (MPIH) advocates for the use of Certified Music Practitioners (CMPs) in healthcare environments in Sacramento, Placer and Yolo counties.
Our mission is to:
Encourage partnerships between CMPs and the healthcare community to enhance an environment for the healing process and for the life/death transition.
Increase awareness of the profession of the CMP in our community and encourage formal training for the profession.
Provide opportunities for networking and continuing education for CMPs.
Seek grants and accept donations to provide funding for CMPs to work in organizations that require supplemental funding for this type of service.

Music Partners in Healthcare, Inc is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization funded by grants and donations. Your donation is used to train Music Practitioners and to provide healing music at bedside for patients in hospitals, skilled nursing centers, memory care facilities, and in hospice.
If you would like to support us, please consider making a donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated. You may donate online (see DONATE button above) or by mail:
Music Partners in Healthcare
PO Box 457
Fair Oaks, CA 95628